Conviction vs. Condemnation

Oct 28, 2022    Bishop Dr. Edward Ramirez

When we allow the Holy Spirit to speak it leads to conviction and repentance. When we allow our flesh to lead we speak condemnation which leads to rebellion. As men and women of God, we must preach under the direction and conviction of the Holy Spirit so that people are set free not condemned, shamed, or caused to hide their skeletons instead of exposing and defeating them. Lets do this Holy Spirit journey together!

"Possessed By The Ghost" sermon series is all about the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit add to the lives of everyone who receives the gift of the Holy Spirit. This series will transform your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit as you experience a divine breakthrough in your life.]

#pastoredwardramirez #harvestchurch #renewalandregeneration #possessedbytheghost

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