Here at Harvest Church, there are many ways you can get connected. Why do life alone when we can do it together? If you want to further your walk as a Christian, we encourage you to take the next step in your faith. Experience God, find family, discover your purpose, and make a difference.
Harvest Kids
Harvest Kids partners with families to invest in the spiritual development of kids. Being in Harvest Kids consists of learning about Jesus, the Bible, all through fun and interactive activities.
Harvest Youth
Harvest Youth is for teenagers between the 6th and 12th grade level. Our mission is to create a passionate and authentic community where students can seek, learn, and grow in their relationship with God.
Harvest Women
Harvest Women is a place for all women gather together to grow closer to Jesus. This goes for moms, sisters, and wives alike. Our goal is to equip women to thrive through their faith in God.
Harvest Men
Harvest Men is the brothers, fathers, and husbands that strive to grow closer to God and lead in their calling. Our goal is to lift up and equip men to be the men God has called them to be.
Take your faith in God a step further by being water baptized. Water baptism is a public, outward testimony that indicates a personal, inward faith.
Join a community that will encourage you to live a life fully devoted to Christ. Harvest Groups offers you the opportunity to build a sense of community with people like yourself while continuing to work on your relationship with God. Why do life alone when we can do it together? View the different groups we have to offer and sign up today!
Serving the local community means to bring glory to God rather than ourselves. We transmit the love of Jesus to people around us through serving in the local church. Everyone plays a part of the bigger picture of bringing people closer to God. Take your next step in your faith by serving on a team.
Marriage Preparation
Marriage is an institution created by God for a man and woman to become husband and wife for as long as they both shall live. As such, we at Harvest Church want to ensure that any couple we marry is set up for a successful and lasting marriage. Ultimately, that is dependent upon those making the vows, but we approach our role with a profound sense of responsibility.