Fellas, one of the greatest challenges you may be facing is not having it all together. It can sometimes even hinder you from experiencing all that God has for you. Don't worry, you're not alone! There's a place for men just like you to grow your faith and build relationships. We don’t want to be stagnant in our faith or our leadership. We want to become strong, influential men who are passionate for God. Let's do life together!


Men's Bible Study

No matter where you are in your faith journey, we're all about building each other up to serve God in every way. Take your next step and surround yourself with men that will encourage you to walk in the ways of God.

Men's Fellowship

One of the greatest challenges of being a man is not having a band of brothers to fellowship with. We're always making ways to hangout and grow stronger together. Be sure to check out any upcoming events.

Join a life group!

Harvest Social allows individuals to share genuine life-on-life community with a few other Christians in the larger church. This includes men's fitness, family fun, mom's group, online gaming, and much more. Harvest Social a great way to meet new people and grow both physically and spiritually as followers of Christ.

To get started filter out the groups by selecting
"Life Groups" in the dropdown menu. From there, scroll through and take your pick!

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