How to Overcome The Plot Twists in Your Life?

Have you ever been intrigued by a movie or book? You're so invested in the outcome that you can't press pause or stop reading. If you've been in that situation, you were invested in the story's ending. Often readers and viewers make predictions on conclusions before it occurs. What happens when the prediction you thought would happen shifts into a plot twist? The story or movie suddenly changes in a different direction. How do you handle that plot twist?
This blog will focus on a more profound look at plot twists but not for a TV show or book, specifically in our lives, how we handle sudden changes, and most importantly, whether Christ is reflected or sought out in our responses.
Plot Twists and Character Development:
In your life, you are the main character! As the main character, you are under a magnifying glass. How you present yourself and respond to situations will be examined closely by the world. In life, all conflict situations are make-or-break moments. How you respond can be a channel for growth or death.
Staying positive during a storm requires strength beyond our own. A positive mindset brings positive results. However, you worsen situations if you have a negative attitude and bring forth trauma and death. How you respond to a trial or plot twist shows your level of maturity in development.
In life, trouble finds you if you serve strictly off emotion and have no self-control. But if you respond through faith, you let the storm be temporary because you are open to a solution, not division. How do you respond by faith? Faith requires a tap into the supernatural, God Almighty, the King of all Kings!
Facing Plot Twists with Grace & God :
When you are facing unexpected shifts in your life, you need support. What better way to get help than to turn to the creator of all things, God himself? A relationship with God does not require an extravagant event; it only requires you to go to a secret place and call upon God's name for help. The Holy Spirit guides all and will help you with prayer and the words needed. However, you must open your heart to receive and sustain the relationship with the Lord. When you respond to God's grace and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are "born again" into the Kingdom of God. At the moment of salvation the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in your spirit. He comforts you and leads you to all truth.
Once you encounter the Lord you are never the same. God begins the Supernatural work of transformation through your obedience. As you mature in faith, you learn the attributes of the Holy Spirit and begin to develop them in your character to handle situations such as a "plot twist" and become successful. You no longer have to react off emotion or see things in the natural world you now tap into faith and the supernatural by allowing the Lord to take over, and you recieve that inner peace to let go and let God. The fruit manifests in your life, if you allow the Holy Trinity to be a part of your life.
The fruits of the spirit are :
Remember, your response makes a difference. Allow this "plot twist" to help you grow spiritually. Choose to trust God and accept the grace he has given you. Remember, in tough times, give thanks; although it's tough to do, do it because you show yourself approved to serve God in the good and the bad. Rejoice is a response of the Spirit- rejoice and find the positive even in a negative situation. Believe and act on the word of God. Successfully engage in spiritual warfare by proclaiming truth in the face of tests and temptations. Cry out to God and lean on him as your strength; he is your covering.
Biblical Scripture to help during a time of trouble:
Psalm 130- 1:8
Out of the depths, I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you, there is forgiveness so that we can serve you with reverence. I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word, I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love, and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.
Find a Battle Buddy to support you during a Plot Twist:
God promotes battle buddies.
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for one another so God can heal you. When a believing person prays, great things happen" James 5:16
When looking for a true battle buddy, look for the attributes of the Holy Spirit within that person to know they can be trusted. Remember, battle buddies, don't replace God but serve as another source of strength. You need a friend who will be honest, love you unconditionally, accept you, and pray for you constantly. You need someone of the same gender to be open and honest with. Make sure you get a battle buddy who speaks life to you and not death. A battle buddy who knows the word and leads you back on the right path and not the wrong one.
Keep a Positive Attitude No Matter What:
Remember, the greatest trick of the enemy is to get you alone, to mess with your mind. You have 10 seconds to change that negative thought into a positive one before it interferes with your feelings. Seek God, His word, and get a battle buddy - family can be battle buddies too, and overcome the battles and plot twists you may face with the Lord as your strength!
Harvest Church HC Youth is dedicated to helping you grow spiritually!
Today it can be facing a plot twist, but tomorrow it can be facing something else. As true leaders of the kingdom Harvest Church Youth located in Paterson, New Jersey, is here to help you overcome any trial or tribulation that youth may face today. Harvest Church is here to help you grow spiritually with support and love. Harvest Church is a church of spirit and truth. We serve God not through obligation, but because we truly love Him. Harvest Church is an end-time Church, and we carry all attributes of the Holy Spirit because we invite the Holy Spirit to our church and have a heart for the people.
Connect with Harvest Church to grow in God, and gain a congregation who will love you and be your battle buddies ❤️. In this world, you are not alone, but it takes you to connect and tap into a spiritual kingdom that will be there for you in the good and bad. God Bless You and know God loves you!
Want to connect with Harvest Church?
Join Youth Fridays @ 8 pm located at 204 21st Avenue, Paterson NJ 07501.
Follow us on ig :
We look forward to seeing you connect with Harvest Church!
This blog will focus on a more profound look at plot twists but not for a TV show or book, specifically in our lives, how we handle sudden changes, and most importantly, whether Christ is reflected or sought out in our responses.
Plot Twists and Character Development:
In your life, you are the main character! As the main character, you are under a magnifying glass. How you present yourself and respond to situations will be examined closely by the world. In life, all conflict situations are make-or-break moments. How you respond can be a channel for growth or death.
Staying positive during a storm requires strength beyond our own. A positive mindset brings positive results. However, you worsen situations if you have a negative attitude and bring forth trauma and death. How you respond to a trial or plot twist shows your level of maturity in development.
In life, trouble finds you if you serve strictly off emotion and have no self-control. But if you respond through faith, you let the storm be temporary because you are open to a solution, not division. How do you respond by faith? Faith requires a tap into the supernatural, God Almighty, the King of all Kings!
Facing Plot Twists with Grace & God :
When you are facing unexpected shifts in your life, you need support. What better way to get help than to turn to the creator of all things, God himself? A relationship with God does not require an extravagant event; it only requires you to go to a secret place and call upon God's name for help. The Holy Spirit guides all and will help you with prayer and the words needed. However, you must open your heart to receive and sustain the relationship with the Lord. When you respond to God's grace and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are "born again" into the Kingdom of God. At the moment of salvation the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in your spirit. He comforts you and leads you to all truth.
Once you encounter the Lord you are never the same. God begins the Supernatural work of transformation through your obedience. As you mature in faith, you learn the attributes of the Holy Spirit and begin to develop them in your character to handle situations such as a "plot twist" and become successful. You no longer have to react off emotion or see things in the natural world you now tap into faith and the supernatural by allowing the Lord to take over, and you recieve that inner peace to let go and let God. The fruit manifests in your life, if you allow the Holy Trinity to be a part of your life.
The fruits of the spirit are :
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self -control
Remember, your response makes a difference. Allow this "plot twist" to help you grow spiritually. Choose to trust God and accept the grace he has given you. Remember, in tough times, give thanks; although it's tough to do, do it because you show yourself approved to serve God in the good and the bad. Rejoice is a response of the Spirit- rejoice and find the positive even in a negative situation. Believe and act on the word of God. Successfully engage in spiritual warfare by proclaiming truth in the face of tests and temptations. Cry out to God and lean on him as your strength; he is your covering.
Biblical Scripture to help during a time of trouble:
Psalm 130- 1:8
Out of the depths, I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you, there is forgiveness so that we can serve you with reverence. I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word, I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love, and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.
Find a Battle Buddy to support you during a Plot Twist:
God promotes battle buddies.
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for one another so God can heal you. When a believing person prays, great things happen" James 5:16
When looking for a true battle buddy, look for the attributes of the Holy Spirit within that person to know they can be trusted. Remember, battle buddies, don't replace God but serve as another source of strength. You need a friend who will be honest, love you unconditionally, accept you, and pray for you constantly. You need someone of the same gender to be open and honest with. Make sure you get a battle buddy who speaks life to you and not death. A battle buddy who knows the word and leads you back on the right path and not the wrong one.
Keep a Positive Attitude No Matter What:
Remember, the greatest trick of the enemy is to get you alone, to mess with your mind. You have 10 seconds to change that negative thought into a positive one before it interferes with your feelings. Seek God, His word, and get a battle buddy - family can be battle buddies too, and overcome the battles and plot twists you may face with the Lord as your strength!
Harvest Church HC Youth is dedicated to helping you grow spiritually!
Today it can be facing a plot twist, but tomorrow it can be facing something else. As true leaders of the kingdom Harvest Church Youth located in Paterson, New Jersey, is here to help you overcome any trial or tribulation that youth may face today. Harvest Church is here to help you grow spiritually with support and love. Harvest Church is a church of spirit and truth. We serve God not through obligation, but because we truly love Him. Harvest Church is an end-time Church, and we carry all attributes of the Holy Spirit because we invite the Holy Spirit to our church and have a heart for the people.
Connect with Harvest Church to grow in God, and gain a congregation who will love you and be your battle buddies ❤️. In this world, you are not alone, but it takes you to connect and tap into a spiritual kingdom that will be there for you in the good and bad. God Bless You and know God loves you!
Want to connect with Harvest Church?
Join Youth Fridays @ 8 pm located at 204 21st Avenue, Paterson NJ 07501.
Follow us on ig :
We look forward to seeing you connect with Harvest Church!
Posted in Blogs
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